Witches and walking

I wanted to share a couple resources that have come to my attention recently: first, our friend Dori (magical herbalist extraordinaire) sent us this link to a couple of great radio interviews about connections between capitalism and patriarchy and many other things. She writes,

dean & tyrone,

here is an interview with sylvia federici, who wrote caliban and the witch, discussing the european witch hunts and the rise of capitalism/destruction of the commons. thought you might find it interesting, especially the part about the loss of magical knowledge as part of the undermining of the peasant class. 


love, dori

Also I’ve been following the (Re)thinking Walking project (a collaboration between two brilliant writers), which I highly recommend for some thoughtful and insightful reflections about important things like self-care, movement and movement building, power, history, and anti-capitalism (of course). Take a look.

One Reply to “Witches and walking”

  1. I really think that “enough” is a great idea, that redistributing wealth is one of the most important things we should be doing, but aren’t.

    Choosing to align that with “magic” seriously undermines your cause.

    Please do some research into skepticism, and then, even if you don’t agree with it, please keep such issues away from “enough”. They really will hurt your cause, and I don’t want to see that happen.

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